New Initial Idea

During my struggle to figure out what I want out of this project and what my photographs and drawing would go towards.
My tutor referred me to a graduate from my course and his out come of the final piece working with the idea of a newspaper. But not the kind of newspaper that we all know but really one of a recorded journey of area I visited as part of my journey looking for various memorials and artefacts. 
The work will be kept in the style referencing to the work of Oliver Kugler and Linda Kitson working with line a limited or basic colour. 
The image will be presented with a date and area that is in the image. I think that working towards this kind of outcome would prove effective and show some history and what different memorials mean and what regiments or battalions they were built for.
Part of my work will include three interviews that I will work to get for my "Newspaper" the interviews will be conducted with three members who have served in the armed forces in different era and time periods, unfortunately interviewing a World War One veteran would have been a once in a lifetime opportunity unfortunately the last of the World War One veterans or "Tomies" have since passed away and may their rest in piece. I have a Great Grandfather who served in the RAF during World War Two in the 1940's, a Grandfather who served in the Royal Pioneers in the Falklands and Northern Island in the late 70's coming up to the 1980's and a friend of the family who served as in the Artillery during the Gulf War in the early 90's I believe these three interviews will greatly impact my work and have a visual picture formed from their spoken words a recreation of history if you will. The format will as I said be in a news paper format but I plan to make this in a smaller format as well maybe a booklet, I will write inside this to give it that scrap book feel to the book and I believe this would have a much more positive effect then say I wrote it out on the computer.

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