Artist Research

For this project I taking a stab back at an artist that I used reference from a previous and thats the work of Oliver Kulger, an illustrator I took reference from during my work with the Age UK project which can be seen a few posts back in this Blog.
If you are not aware of Kulger's work is an example of his work and how I tend to work around my project and the style I am looking for.

He works from reference of what is happening in front of him using line and simplistic colour to create his images.
His use of colour in some of his work is used to highlight key elements in his images where it be a building or a person. That is something I again want to go back to and use this as part of my process with my project.

The next artist I have looked at was the Falkland artist Linda Kitson, who was the first female artist to be allowed to accompany troops into battle. Her work is based on quick sketches taken again from reference of what is in front of her. I found this work very close to the action and very skilled if you are able to capture so much in one image. This and the work of Kulger are something I want to use to create my final outcome maybe a mixed array of both artists combined a bit of mix and match of images both line work only and coloured.

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