My Working Progress

Whilst im working away making my images I thought I would share my working progress to show how I am bring my images to live for my "Newspaper" or "Booklet" first of all the image is take from a photograph I took myself of a memorial or a exhibition in front of me I try and capture a angle and position to capture the object at an angle and to capture people looking at the exhibition or memorial. I upload the image onto Photoshop and draw the image using my Graphics Tablet capturing the simplistic line of the image and also capturing detail where need be an example of this work I have show in the images below.

The image that have chosen from a large chose of different photographs I took during my adventures out hunting memorials, for example I chose this image because I felt it had the perfect position that shows exact part of the memorial I want.

This line work done using my Graphics Tablet taking the necessary areas of the image that I really need to capture the area that I want and also to keep it simple and stop the image from being busy and have the viewer get distracted by the amount of detail in the image, this is an example of how I will be working to reach my final outcome. 

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