My Second Visit to the Imperial War Museum

Now that I knew where the museum was I managed to get there with hours to spend looking and finding hidden away parts of the museum that I missed in my previous visit.
A lot more people roamed the halls of the exhibition, which made taking photographs have more of an impact as people look upon the different areas of the museum even capturing a photograph of a couple looking upon a tank together this was during one of the many picture shows that occurred during our time in the museum, I managed to snap the moment before hand.

Couple in front of the Tank.

Another experience in the museum was the light show that occurred at certain times during the museums opening times. The light shows are recorded interviews taking from actual witnesses and how war has shaped our lives. The first light show was the evolution of warfare from world war one to the world today, during the first moments of the show it has recorded eye witnesses describing the terrifying effects of the first machine gun and the invention of the tank and the devastating effects they provided during the war this part of the light show left chills down my spine as each tool of killing was being described, fear was heard in most of the witnesses voices as they spoke of their experience using these weapons during their time in conflict or even watching the devastation they caused. The light show, featured the invention of the mortar, the plane, bombs all the way to nuclear and chemical weapons which left a chilling effect on what happens when these are used really scares you.

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