First visit to The Imperial War Museum

My first visit to the Imperial War Museum was brief since I was lost trying find the place, haven't been to the museum in a very long time.
Once I finally found it I managed to get as much as I could out of the time I spent there the area was empty which made taking photographs a bit plain to not have people looking at these artefacts of war. I managed to look at a few of the cases and gathered some information on different items, the museum was a pool of knowledge not only for the soldiers but for the civilians who lived through the different era's of war.
Here are a few images that I managed to take during my brief time at the war museum. Here are a few photographs I took in my time in the exhibition.

Suitcases belonging to evacuees during World War Two children in cities were evacuated to the countryside during the war to keep the children safe from dying when the bombs were being dropped on the major cities in England.

Gas mask used for a baby during air raids if the Germans were to use chemical warfare. The gas mask worked much like a all in one you place the baby inside the suit and seal it shut the baby is supplied with oxygen circulation and is protected from deadly gases.

Representation of a household with working television showcasing broadcast of the gruesome upsetting reports taken from Vietnam to the more media controlled Falklands war. The two broadcasts show the change in media control during these two era's of war for instance Vietnam had next to no media control so gruesome photographs and footage were shown in newspapers and the news broadcasts. Whereas the Falklands the Government kept closer and more controlled tabs on the media to keep audiences more at ease and control how much they know about the conflict. 

During my visit an hour or so before the museum closed for a special exhibition I was able to look at a temporary exhibition show casing artists and their visual interpretations of conflicts during the 1990's up to the early 2000's unfortunately I couldn't take any photographs as this was banned. I can say one exhibition that caught my eye was a dark room show, the show was a visual representation of the experience of a holocaust survivor who spent her life in a concentration camp. The video focused on one experience when she was a young woman the Nazi officers during a Christmas party ordered her to dance for their entertainment, which she refused enraged the Officers told her to stand outside all night in the snow bare footed until morning. The video constantly changes from footage to footage one a dark room in which the woman in the present day now shrouded in darkness representing how she must have felt engulfed in darkness inside the room you are also engulfed in darkness too which adds that greater effect and all alone this becomes extremely gripping and somewhat upsetting as you watch, the next scene you are shown is the snow falling with dense forestation as the snows seems to engulf everything in site, perhaps another representation of as far as she could see or how deep snow goes in that part of the area, after watching the 20 minute to half an hour film I left with much sorrow in me it had a great impact on me having sat through her what would have been her experience.
Advertisement for the exhibition featuring the image taken from the footage described above.

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