Portfolio Review No.2

My second contact was Dominique Byron who also was my Guru who looked over my portfolio her feedback provided me with much confidence and the passion to continue moving forward with my interests and work.

Here is her review of my Portfolio.

"Hi Alex

Hope 3rd year's going well for you so far!

I've had a look at your folio and think you've got one of the most consistent styles I've seen from a student recently, great stuff!

I think your Age UK piece and the Big Sleep book cover piece are your strongest, as they are both really strong on line work and colour choices and I think they are both very eye catching and nicely executed. The Age UK one has a real charm and is a good way of showing how your strengths in colour and line work can work outside of character and comic illustration work, if you'd like to work on editorial or advertising work in the future.

It's good to see your book cover in the template with the typography and blurb on there to give it some context. You probably don't need to have the separate cover illustration on its own, I don't think its too obscured in the template by the type or anything to warrant it needing another page, but see what you think..

The tattoo design is nice and its always good to see things designed for real clients (even if it is a friend!). I think this would benefit from being scanned in and brighten up a bit instead of a photograph? Just to really capture the detail and give it a more professional look.

Your editorial work again shows a nice use of colour and it's good to see them in context. The 'soldier to civilian' spread has a really nice concept as well. You could perhaps be a little bit more confident with your line work on that one to make it really crisp!

Overall I think your folio is looking good so far, and I'm sure will only get better when you get started on your FMP!
If you're planning on making this into a pdf to send out, I've been telling everyone to put in a title page with your name and contact info on, just so clients won't forget who's work they're looking at. And also just have a quick check that your little logo is dropped into the template square properly, think i can see it peeking out on a couple of them! :)

I remember you talking about you wanting to create your own comic or graphic novel, it's great that you already know what it is you want to be doing! I don't know if thats what your planning for your FMP, but if so, I look forward to seeing it when its finished. 
Having a finished and made little comic or zine could be something you could send out as promo material instead of just a standard pdf portfolio? Designers and publishers are more likely to keep hold of something like that for sure.

Also, I remember you mentioning when we chatted that you had been getting a bit frustrated and a bit down-hearted with your work (correct me if I'm wrong!), but I think you should really draw confidence from what you've done so far! You're one of the few students I've spoken to who has a strong sense of what you'd like to be creating (I don't even know what I want to do yet really!) and I think if comics/graphic novels is what you want to do, the only way to make that a reality is to create loads of work, explore it, promote it, and most importantly don't give up on it!

But if you're not sure yet, just keep exploring anyway. Uni is just the very beginning of your career so have fun with it!

I hope that was of some help Alex!
Good luck for the rest of the year and keep in touch with what you're up to and if you need any help with anything. Have a good christmas!


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