Portfolio Review No.1

One of my chosen contacts for my portfolio reviews was Rosie Wilman who was kind enough to review it. Her work based around children's books is imaginative and very fun too look at.

Here are her words on the review of my Portfolio.

"Had a look through and it's looking good so far :)

You could add some more work to it but you'll be working on projects between now and graduation so just keep adding to it :)
I really like the image of Stockport with the limited colour pallet. Also really like the book cover, very strong pieces of work!
The tattoo design looks a bit unfinished so I'd try scanning it in rather than taking a photo. Use the brightness and contrast tool on Photoshop to sharpen it up and it'll make it look much stronger :) 
The editorial work is also good but I don't think it's as strong as the book cover and Stockport image so I'd end and begin the portfolio with those :)

Hope this helps :)
Keep up the good work! 


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