
Seeing as I was looking into the concept of a comic I looked into different kinds of comics and graphic novels I found one in-particular in the book called "The Original Graphic Novels" an artist named Lynd  Ward. His work with woodcut graphic novels and the style has a dark side to it that really catches my interest. His use of dynamic scenes and depth in his imagery creates a sinister and dark atmosphere in his work. The tree's even have life in them looking over the characters. I liked this effect and wanted to use this kind of style for my story.

Since Der Großmann is described as deformed I looked into a British cartoonist by the name of Gerald Scarfe his work mostly anti-political, my main focus in his work is the idea of deformity I want to create my own adaptation of the tale. By looking into Scarfe's work I can can get a good sense of different ways of creating the creature.

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