New Project

The start of the third year and the start of a new project. The project was a multi optional project giving several choices on a theme to work by.
My decision for my project I chose was Scary Stories going under the theme of moral consequences, the aim of this was to display to the audience misbehaviour of children and the disastrous consequences that happen to them. 

Starting my research I looked into Heinrich Hoffman: Struwwelpeter a series of short stories based around the misbehaving acts of children and the consequences that is caused to them from this.
One story for example: Little Suck a Thumb. The story tells of a boy always sucking his thumbs and being told by his mother not to otherwise the great tall tailor will cut off his thumbs. Ultimately the child ignores the warnings of his mother and the Tall Tailor swoops in and cuts off the little boys thumbs. These stories although for children have a sinister effect when reading even for me. 

Looking into the theme of moral consequences I looked into a 16th century German folklore named Der Großmann, described as a fairy it lives in Schwarzwald (The Black Forest). He is told to chase children who wander into the forest at night against their parents warnings, only two ways der großmann will stop when he ether catches the child or the child tells their parents of what they did.

My intial idea for this project is to make a graphic novel based around the tale of Der Großmann instead of copying the original folklore tale I wanted to twist it too my own adaptation making everything different even creating my own Der Großmann. The story will be told frame by frame following a childs journey through Schwarzwald and meeting with Der Großmann. 

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