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If I could give myself 3 pieces of advice to bring forward as a part of approaching Level 6 in September would be.

ONE- Try and work past personal live problems

During the course of the fifth year a lot of things occurred in my life that took a bit of an effect and a toll on my life and my work. I was under a lot of depression and found the need to work to be the last thing on my mind which took a big toll on my working method and made me almost fail the course. I have to attempt to overcome these problems or at least talk to my tutor about my problems and try and find a way to get myself back on track with my work and pass projects effectively.

TWO - Manage my time a little better

One thing I am pretty much a bit of a nuisance with is time management trying to juggle three different lives and having little time for which ever part of my life is being affected by this. I am going to be much more mature about my time and ration it accordingly mainly to my project. I WILL be much more appreciative with my time and apply myself more to my work and wont leave anything till the last minute I will apply more time and effort.

THREE - Don't be afraid to use reference in the future

One struggle I have had during my projects was applying reference to my work. Something that was drilled out of my head as I progressed through my artistic education by my teachers in school, which has made me very uncomfortable to use reference as a way to build onto to create my final piece. I have been walked into using reference and I have felt a little more comfortable to apply this towards my work and will very much be more comfortable to use them.

(Added fourth) FOUR - Don't say I am going to do and just DO IT!

In the beginning of my year I had approached the level 5 course with problems going on in my life, because of this all I said was going to do things without ever attempting to do to do things and apply them to my work. This caused a bit of arguments with my tutor, but after talking through with my tutor I was able to jump back onto the horse and I am now more and more comfortable with doing my ideas instead of holding it in my brain bank.

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