I wish I had done that

As to actually wishing I had done a piece of work I have two artists that I have looked into for a long while whose techniques and style is something I really wish I could have the skill to do and with enough practice I could achieve this.

Carlos Ezquerra

What I love most about Ezquerra's work as well as his awesome way of drawing out his characters has a gritty and very powerful style. What really blows me away with his work is his use of paints and watercolor's in his novels the effects, the texture and detail is always spot on, the effects he manages to grasp when he paints looking at the image above of Dredd and Johnny Alpha. Look at the lighting on the characters and the smoke effect around them he always focuses on the little things everything isn't static but looks and feels more alive to look at even the back ground is alive it self. Ezquerra's technique is something I really want to practice I love the traditional style as apposed to the computer style of colouring which itself is great as well. This style is something I really want to practice and apply to more work and comic books.

Tony Moore

I am a massive graphic novel/ Comic book fan and one artist that I love to look at is Tony Moore the artist the first artist for the graphic novel "The Walking Dead." What grasp's me mainly when I am looking at his work. It has to be his posture and poses of his characters are truley amazing much like Ezquerra's art everything is alive nothing is static to look at. Just looking at the image about the pose of Rick is awesome as well as the gun fire effect drawn. The lighting around the two character's is very beautiful and doesn't remove any of the image everything is clearly visible. This is something I really want to apply to my work I have always tried to make my art much more alive, always turning out to be static with enough practice I reckon I could be as good as Moore one day I would really love to use this as reference and very much create my own style for my comic books.

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