Web Research

In the internet there are good websites that are appealing to the eye and grasp the audience into looking more into the website examples of these would be games that allow easy access to content and are easy to navigate. But where there are good websites there are also bad websites. Sites that are ugly to the eye. I am going to show and example of what I believe is a good website and what is the idea of a bad website.

Starting off with a good website.
This is the website for illustrator and comic book artist Nathan Fox I really enjoy his work and I do enjoy his website too. His website soon as you open the site its instantly becomes welcoming to the viewer its captivating and advertising it makes you want to explore the site more. His site is especially easy to navigate having all the links the top once clicked on opens sub links to the right with the titles of the his work for you to click on and view in your own time. Having work to look at is something greatly required as you want to bring yourself out as someone who a client wants to hire and I think Fox's website really hits it off, and is what I believe a good artist website should be like or at least close to this kind of format.

Next a bad website.
What a better example to use then the worse website, this site although not being a serious site to help others with making a better website shows just what doesn't work when making a website and how to go for a more professional approach then a primary school project.
Having a wide colour pallet clashing is not professional and again looks childlike making too cluttered and having no links to navigate around the website also takes away professionalism out of the site and causes chaos. Having set links to go around the website shows order and again professionalism something that clients and fans will look at and what to explore rather then close it and look for something else.

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