Hopes, Fears and Opportunities

During my time studying in college and university I have had a lot to think about. My dream career as a comic book artist and my hopes to make some incredible stories for everyone to read and one day be like one of the great artists that I read in the comic books I read in the past and even today. As with dreams and hopes there are nightmares and fears. I am going to talk about my hopes for the future my fears that haunt me and opportunities which have become or about to become available to me.

My hopes for the future are to achieve my dream of becoming a comic artist. I want to work along side with writers and illustrate these stories for the world to see. I also want to revive old creations I thought of in the past and maybe recreate thee and turn then into something amazing. I have several ideas and stories in planning that I hope to kick off and make into something I can advertise and hopefully publish in the future. I want to make it in life and be noticed.

My fears...most likely the same as most peoples not being noticed. Having my work hated by people being stuck in a dead end job with no hopes for the future. Something that plagues my mind and has for a long time I have receive many compliments on my work and people may seem to like it but nothing is truly done in my eyes something always needs work on. I fear that people will over all think my work is not worth their time or my comics never get anywhere which I know wont happen immediately but that fear of not succeeding which is something that really gets to me failure...I just don't want to be a failure.

Three opportunities have opened to me during this year. Being a beginner comic artist without a writer to work with is extremely difficult. I have two different people studying literature and one who was almost a published author to help write my stories so together we can bring my ideas to life and hopefully publish my comic book stories. One opportunity has been given to me to illustrate a children's book which the author hopes to get published I think this would be a opportunity to get myself noticed and have my work out there for people to see.

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