Editorial 2 Project

Today's I started my new section of the project.
Again it being a multi-choice project I chose the Editorial Project.

The article I have been reading into is a article form "Therapy Today" the article is about soldiers and their struggle to adapt to civilian life. It tells of soldiers and the order and controlled life they spent years training for and living in this controlled environment, being taken from that control and plunged into the chaos of civilian life not being able to keep the control that the army gave them.

 The article also talks about the psychological aspect of a soldier and how Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a soldier suffering from this disorder struggle everyday to live day to day life and even resort to substances such as alcohol and drugs. The article itself is a good read, anybody who doesn't know much about what a soldier suffers and to understand what a solider goes through when he leaves or is discharged from army.

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