Hope, Fears and Opportunities

My hopes after my graduation are to take my strong way of working and apply these skills to my personal projects that I have planned after I finish University I believe the use of visual referencing through photographing models or areas, also my way of line work and using colours would be something unique to apply to my dream hope of becoming a comic book artist.
I hope that one day my work would get somewhere or noticed and that my dream of my chosen profession can become my live career and continue this for the rest of my life. I have read comic books for a long time and seen the worlds and characters that are created some more memorable then others. That is what I want to accomplish in my life I want to make something people will remember and keep making more amazing creations amazing worlds and characters everyone will love, I have a couple of stories I have been working on for years and since I will finally be out of education and have more time aside from my job to work on these projects I want to bring these idea's to life and I hope that these projects will be successful.

My fears, my darkest fears. I am currently working in a superstore as a means to receive an income so that I can fund myself as well as my projects. This is something I don't really want to consider as a permanent  placement but something to look at as a career until I find further work in the future. I just don't want to be stuck in it as a dead end job and getting absolutely no where in life.
Another fear of mine is my work getting nowhere in life, being slated and I know criticism something to take into account and to work with, but it being hated by all not going anywhere is something that seriously scares me.
Another fear is to fail, I am scared of being a failure, its something that has been a fear of me for years. Failure affects me badly and I aim to do everything but fail and I don't stop until I succeed, and I will do my best in life to succeed with my art and I refuse to be a failure.

I have several opportunities that are waiting for me after this course. As I mentioned before I have a writer I will be working with on my comic book story and project and hopefully to be something that would kick off and attract a lot of people looking at a dark twist to a classic famous fairy tale, it is something I have been working on since around last year so I hope I can actually start getting this project on a roll. I have also a post apocalyptic comic book story based on a mutant virus which I have also found another writer to work with on this project also. With my way of working submitting to editorial and seeing about getting work published that way also work in several formats, broadening the horizon so to say so a line in comic books and a line in editorial would be something of a career choice.

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