Building a form before drawing the wolf

After learning the bone structure of the wolf and the powerful muscle build of the wolf I am now ready to start drawing wolves (Hurray). Starting off with the body, first of all drawing two circles one large and one smaller on ether side of each other.
Next drawing curved lines connecting the two circles together this the start of the wolves body.
Now for the legs using tube like shape connected by smaller circles representing the joints of the legs. Now for the fun part the head of the wolf lets get a start with a large circle lets connect this with a smaller circle this is the neck. Adding a cone like shape representing the snout of the wolves face. Two triangles for the ears of the wolf.
Now let's add some fur get some life into this wolf, adding more features to the head of the wolf some personality into this lovely creature.
Let's add some more detail bit more fur and some brushing up and here we go a completed wolf.

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